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國家地區: Country and region |
中國大陸 |
公司簡介: | 深圳市鴻運達深海臻品貿易有限公司總部位于中國深圳,以餐飲食材為核 心,集海外捕撈、種養殖基地、食品加工、餐飲、 電子商務、為一體的多元化企 業,逐步形成獨具一格的產品優勢、管理優勢、成本優勢、品牌優勢、規模優勢和多 元化、高速發展融合深度的格局。主要經營的海鮮產品包含了遍布大洲的主要品種,來自澳大利亞、新西蘭、南北美洲、東南亞等 地的三文魚、牛肉、蟹、蝦、珍貴藍鰭金槍魚、海膽、生蠔、高檔食材產品;涉及凍品類、餐料 類、活鮮海鮮、蔬菜水果以及各種清酒類品種等。擁有營業執照、機構代碼證、開戶許可證、稅務登記證等各種證明。鴻運達在餐飲食材行業有著超過 30年以上的堅實根基,始終堅持“讓食品更加安全,放心,實惠!持續為客戶創造最大價值!”的使命,以“以人為本,以德為先”的可持續發 展的經營理念,專注于中國“餐飲行業”的食材供應鏈服務,擁有全球 600 多個海產品原產 地資源,300 多個蔬菜水果合作種植基地、凍品、海味干貨合作廠商有 200 多家、自有食品 加工廠,共計 2000 余種酒店業餐飲業所需的食材,在全國擁有多家連鎖餐飲及星級酒店的持續信賴與長期穩定的合作,米其林黑珍珠餐廳等品牌客戶。 |
Company Profile: | Shenzhen Hongyunda Deepsea Zhenpin Trading Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Shenzhen, China. With catering ingredients as its core, it is a diversified enterprise that integrates overseas fishing, breeding and breeding bases, food processing, catering, e-commerce, and gradually forms a unique product advantage, management advantage, cost advantage, brand advantage, scale advantage, and a deep integration pattern of diversification and high-speed development.The main seafood products we operate include major varieties spread across continents, including salmon, beef, crabs, shrimp, precious bluefin tuna, sea urchins, oysters, and high-end food products from Australia, New Zealand, North and South America, Southeast Asia, and other regions; It involves frozen products, meal ingredients, fresh seafood, vegetables and fruits, as well as various types of sake.Possess various certificates such as business license, institution code certificate, account opening permit, tax registration certificate, etc.Hongyunda has a solid foundation in the catering ingredient industry for over 30 years, always adhering to the principle of "making food safer,Don't worry, it's affordable! Continuously creating maximum value for customers Our mission is to adhere to the sustainable development philosophy of "putting people first and putting morality first", focusing _disibledevent="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 10px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); border-top: none; border-right: none; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: rgb(229, 229, 229); border-left: none; position: relative; min-height: 20px; line-height: 20px; font-size: 14px; overflow-wrap: break-word; vertical-align: top; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; text-align: justify;">多春魚 Capelin;小鱗南極犬牙魚 ChileanSeaBass/PatagonianToothfish;大西洋真鱈魚 Cod-Atlantic;太平洋真鱈魚 Cod-Pacific;黃魚 Croaker-Yellow;石斑魚 Grouper;大比目魚 Halibut;阿拉斯加狹鱈魚 Pollock-Alaska;石斑魚 Rockfish;三文魚 Salmon;大西洋鮭魚 Salmon-Atlantic;三文魚/秋鮭 Salmon-Pacific;秋刀魚 Saury;金槍魚 Tuna;長鰭金槍魚 Tuna-Albacore;大眼金槍魚 Tuna-Bigeye;藍鰭金槍魚 Tuna-Bluefin;黃鰭金槍魚 Tuna-Yellowfin;鮑魚 Abalone;赤貝 ArkShell;竹蟶 Clam-Razor;海螺 Conch;蟹 Crab;珍寶蟹 Crab-Dungeness;帝王蟹 Crab-King;雪蟹 Crab-Snow;小龍蝦 Crawfish/Crayfish;海鰲蝦 Langoustine;龍蝦 Lobster;美洲龍蝦 Lobster-American;牡丹蝦 Prawn-Spot;扇貝 Scallop;海螯蝦 Scampi;蝦 Shrimp;黑虎蝦 Shrimp-BlackTiger;北極甜蝦 Shrimp-Coldwater;紅蝦 Shrimp-Red;南美白蝦 Shrimp-Vannamei;白蝦 Shrimp-White;魚子醬 Caviar;鰻魚 Eel;章魚 Octopus;魚籽 Roe;海參 SeaCucumber;海膽 SeaUrchin;魷魚 Squid;大魷魚 Squid-Giant;魚丸 FishBalls;即食類水產品 Seafood-Prepared/Ready-to-eat;熟扇貝 Scallop-Cooked;罐頭類水產品 Seafood-Canned;干鮮類水產品 Seafood-Dried;生鮮海產品 Seafood-Fresh;油炸類水產品 Seafood-Fried;冷凍海產品 Seafood-Frozen;活海產品 Seafood-Live;腌制類水產品 Seafood-Marinated;烤制類水產品 Seafood-Roasted;鹽漬類水產品 Seafood-Salted;調味類水產品 Seafood-Seasoned;串燒類水產品 Seafood-Skewer;煙熏類水產品 Seafood-Smoked;面包蝦 Shrimp-Breaded;熟蝦 Shrimp-Cooked;春卷 SpringRoll;壽司產品 Sushi;電子商務 E-Commerce; |